Adventure Horse
Manuka is 1/4 Thoroughbred/1/4 Shire/ 1/4 Kaimanawa /1/4 Clydie
Whanau: Rata is his Mummy and Bella is his Nanny
Favorite Trail: Birchwood Station Boutique Trail
Manuka is honest and hardworking horse that loves to stride it out with pride. Just like his Mum and Nan he is dedicated to his job of keeping his rider safe. I am sure that he will quickly become a guest favorite like the rest of his whanau.
Manuka is named after our native tree, bees make the most divine honey from the flowers which has great medicinal properties.
Clever Wee Man: This little horse worked very hard to walk in his Mum and Nans footprints and joined the riding string in 2023. We are so very proud of him.